
Network Flow

Which of the following statements is true when comparing the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and the Push-Relabel algorithm for solving maximum flow problems in networks? A) The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is a specific implementation of the  Push-Relabel algorithm . B)  The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm always terminates in polynomial time for any network . C)  The Push-Relabel algorithm  is a more efficient and faster alternative to the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.  D) Both t he Ford-Fulkerson and Push-Relabel algorithms can find the maximum flow in a network, but the Push-Relabel algorithm garantees a shorter runtime. E) None of the above. Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.

Network Science: Network Robustness

  Which of the following statements correctly describes the robustness of scale-free networks? A) Scalle-free networks are highly robust against targeted attacks but vulnerable to random node removal. B) Scalle-free networks are equally robust against random node removal and targeted attacks. C) Scalle-free networks are highly robust against random node removal but vulnerable to targeted attacks. D) Scalle-free networks are vulnerable to both random node removal and targeted attacks. E) None of the above. Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.

Network Science: Strongly Connected Components

Which of the following statements is true about the Kosaraju-Sharir's algorithm?  A) It is used to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. B) It is a greedy algorithm that always finds the optimal solution. C) It is used to determining the strongly connected components in a directed graph. D) It is used to computing the minimum spanning tree of a graph E) None of the above. Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.

Networks and Graphs - Random Graphs

Random graphs are a type of mathematical object used to model complex systems, such as social networks on the internet. In a random graph with n vertices and edge probability p, the typical distance between two  vertices  follows a known property called small world phenomena which implies that: A) The distances between all pairs of vertices will be the same. B) The distances between vertices will follow a normal distribution. C) The distances between vertices will be roughly proportional to log(n). D) The distances between vertices will be randomly distributed. E) None of the above. Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.

Networks and Graphs - Breadth First Search (BFS)

Consider the Following Applications of the BFS Algorithm starting at the Orange Node: Which examples are applying BFS the wrong way: A) B and D B) A and D C) B and C D) Only C E) None of the above Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.

Welcome on Board!

Hey There, this Blog was created to upload exercicies of Network Science Class - MO412A 1s2023. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.   Arthur Hendricks :)

Networks and Graphs - Bipartite Networks

Consider the following examples of Bipartite Networks: I - In the iFood Delivery Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Motorcycle Couries (U) and the other to Customers (V). II - In the Gmail Spam Network, a set of nodes corresponding to E-mails (U) and the other to Spam List (V). III - In the Spotify Playlist Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Playlists (U) and the other to Musics (V). IV - In the LinkedIn Job Opportunities Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Recruiters (U) and the other to Employment Opportunities (V). The only affirmations above that are  false  are: A) III and IV  B) II and IV C) I and III D) Only II E) None of the above Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.