Networks and Graphs - Bipartite Networks

Consider the following examples of Bipartite Networks:

I - In the iFood Delivery Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Motorcycle Couries (U) and the other to Customers (V).

II - In the Gmail Spam Network, a set of nodes corresponding to E-mails (U) and the other to Spam List (V).

III - In the Spotify Playlist Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Playlists (U) and the other to Musics (V).

IV - In the LinkedIn Job Opportunities Network, a set of nodes corresponding to Recruiters (U) and the other to Employment Opportunities (V).

The only affirmations above that are false are:

A) III and IV 

B) II and IV

C) I and III

D) Only II

E) None of the above

Original idea by: Arthur Hendricks.


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